On Saturday, June 29th from 10am-4pm, the Andover Historical Society will host the Potter Place Festival, formerly known as the “Old Time Fair” a 41-year-old tradition that will take place at the old Potter Place Train Station at 105 Depot Street in Andover. Named after the first black celebrity magician and ventriloquist Richard Potter (1783-1835), Potter Place is now officially part of the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire, after the unveiling of BHTNH historic marker to Richard Potter August 2022. The Potter Place Festival (formerly “The Old Time Fair” will honor Frederick Douglass’s Speech “what to the slave is the fourth of July” at Noon. Other festivities include music by Lindsey Schust & the Ragged Mountain Band, a BBQ cookout by the Andover Historical Society, history demonstrations, guided tours of the museums, kids’ games, pumper car rides, antique cars, The Concord Stagecoach will be out and see where the new home for it will be, bake sale & farmer’s market and a craft market with vendors from across New Hampshire. The event is free and open to the public, sponsored in part by Belletetes, Ty Morris Realty, TE Austin Property Management, GRVL Cycling, JJ’s Market and the Andover Lion’s Club.